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Forums Cannabis Fun Club in Russia > Poison > Drugs
Brothers seeking OTHER adventures, SOS!!!!!! sad.gif
If anyone knows or can suggest a link, please help.
In Samara we have nowhere to get psychoactive stuff,
only GANJA is good of course, but the soul asks for it
glitches and all that stuff, the main thing is that it's natural, but chemistry works too.
With respect to the forum members and hope for help m63den.
I'm not in the know at all. Gadget is my way

and also, they say that glue causes glitches
Берёшь пакет, проверяешь на наличае дыр в нем, далее налеваешь в уголок пакета ацитоносодержащий раствор (клей, бинзин, ацетон, растворитель)....
пакет надуваешь.... делаешь выдох и начинаешь вдыхать пары ацетонитов, тока сильно не увлекайся... незабывай вдыхать воздух через нос, а то легко потеряешь сознание гоняя в пакете угликислый газ....

but seriously, fuck chemistry... I personally stick to natural products - Grass (*), mushrooms... happy.gif
m63den go to the forest smile.gif mushroom picking...the most common natural psychoactive drug smile.gif and be careful not to mix them up, don't collect toadstools... there are mushrooms that look like magic mushrooms, they are useless, and much more toxic, so study the literature... look at the photos and go ahead smile.gif
what I can suggest from myself is that what is under the hat... should be purple smile.gif
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