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In the near future, residents of several Russian regions will not wait for Pelevin’s new novel and the works of a number of other writers. Formally, Victor Pelevin, Bayan Shiryanov, Carlos Castaneda and several other authors are not banned, but their books were withdrawn from circulation on the recommendation of the Federal Drug Control Service (Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control).

A representative of Pelevin’s publishers, Alexey Shekhov, complains in an interview with Novye Izvestia: “This strange FSKN service does not like Mr. Pelevin. Probably didn't read it. Apparently they are looking for where it is brighter, and not where they need it. So you can ban most of the world's literature. For example, Arthur Conan Doyle, in one of his books, describes in detail the introduction of a drug into the body and its effect on one and a half pages. Sherlock Holmes was a real drug addict."

The heroes of Pelevin’s new novel “The Sacred Book of the Werewolf” indulge in psychotropic substances much less often than the writer’s previous characters: werewolves turn up their sensitive noses at narcotic powders soaked in sweat and other physiological fluids. The only truly addicted character in the book works as an employee of the valiant Russian special services. However, the “werewolf in uniform” Mikhalych does not do anything dangerous for society. On the contrary, even while high, he begs Mother Earth for a new batch of oil that will save the country.

Article 46 of the federal law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” prohibits the promotion of drugs “in books.” Cases have already been brought against bookstores in Moscow, Samara, Yekaterinburg and Ulyanovsk. However, often, citing this article, the Federal Drug Control Service, without any trial, withdraws from sale books on sensitive political topics, holding so-called meetings with bookstore directors. They protest: only one side has an advisory voice here.

It's easier to pay off

World literature has already suffered seriously from the assessments of drug control specialists. In various stores across the country, in addition to theoretical studies, writers such as Bayan Shiryanov and Carlos Castaneda have already been banned. But it happens differently everywhere. In some stores, representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service openly come, as they say, “in uniform.” In other stores, salespeople are taken by surprise by strange individuals. “They came in like ordinary customers, bought the book “Marijuana: Forbidden Medicine,” took a receipt. And only after that showed their Federal Drug Control Service ID. We were offered to part ways amicably, paying a rather large sum for our store – 20 thousand rubles. But through the court, this would have been a fine of 40 thousand,” the director of one of the Moscow bookstores tells NI. He asked not to give the name of his company: “Then the SES, the fire department, and all the other city services will come with extortions.”

Officially, only one bookstore in Moscow has been fined for promoting drugs, and that one exists only on the Internet. However, the managers of other stores confirm in informal conversations that there were checks and money was taken from the stores.

The head of the Department of Interdepartmental Relations of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Tselinsky, states: “If any book can be published in a country, there can be no talk of any censorship, this is freedom of speech.” However, he does not say: if a work cannot be sold anywhere, both authors, publishers, and failed readers suffer from this.

This is what the disgraced writer Bayan Shiryanov told NI: “This is censorship, no matter what is written in our Constitution. Touchstones are flying now. The authorities are looking to see whether society will bend to it. And, as usual, it is necessary to declare enemies of the people. Legally, it is possible to publish me, but all publishing houses are afraid. If they do this, they may be fined by the same FSKN.”

Small shops are suffering the most in this situation. “A large publishing house can defend itself. But a small store doesn’t, it’s cheaper for them to pay off,” says Alexander Kasyanenko, art director of the Ultra-Culture publishing house. “In fact, this is censorship, but not in front, but in profile.” Of the 7 titles of books from this publishing house seized from shelves in various stores across the country by representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service, only two are dedicated to drugs. But, for example, “Anthology of modern anarchism and left-wing radicalism” and the book “Allah Doesn’t Love America” were clearly banned for other reasons, as were children’s “Tales about our President.” From the same list, only one book (“Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine”) resulted in a court decision. But it was prohibited from distributing it to only one store. In other cities it disappears from the shelves without trial or investigation. “The Federal Drug Control Service employees are trying to remove everything that, at least theoretically, the authorities may not like,” the publishing house believes.

Readers in civilian clothes

Recently, a new word has been said in the fight against drug literature. Provincial library workers were asked to report to the Federal Drug Control Service the names of readers of “incorrect” literature. Meanwhile, the law on library science prohibits the disclosure of this information. Representative of the Tambov Department of the Federal Drug Control Service Pavel Goryainov smooths out the rough edges: “We were talking only about mutual consultations. We went to stores and libraries like ordinary readers, leafing through books.”

However, even if such an unofficial order really did exist, in small libraries there is often simply not enough money for books by fashionable writers. The director of the Tambov central library system, Vera Kulachenko, says: “There has never been either Shiryanov or Castaneda in the collections of the city libraries. Don't forget that Tambov is not Moscow. We even got Coelho and Murakami quite recently. Russian classics have fallen into disrepair, and there is no money to update them, and you say..."

Vera Mikhailovna has been working in the library for 24 years; she began her career in low-level positions. “In the USSR, Glavlit was the censor. He kept track of dangerous books and sent a circular if, for example, a writer was deprived of Soviet citizenship. In 1980, when I came to work in the library as a little girl, the books of Vasily Aksenov were just being removed from the collections - he then emigrated to the USA. I hope that this will never happen in our country again,” says Vera Mikhailovna.

Russian people know: laws are written in order to circumvent them. In fact, it turns out that sometimes laws are circumvented by those who write them. Although censorship has not yet been introduced on paper, Russian writers have already felt it.

One of the first regions to reject Viktor Pelevin's books was the Altai Territory. It is quite possible that this is not a coincidence. The fact is that it is in this region that cases of mass drug poisoning are increasingly being registered. Even on the day when this issue of Novye Izvestia was being laid out, a message arrived that in the Altai city of Rubtsovsk, over the past three days, 20 people were poisoned by psychotropic substances, two of whom died. One person, who is in extremely serious condition, was hospitalized. This is already the second case of mass drug poisoning in the Altai city of Rubtsovsk in the past two months.

04/21/2007 <a href="">143b56d96a78e9a57c7e619d 5475b716</a> [url][/ url] [url=]143b56d96a78e9a57c7e619d5475b716[/url] [u]http://143b56d96a78e9a57c7e619d5[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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