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Kazakhstan could become the second Holland


As Askar UMAROV, a columnist for the newspaper "Novosti Nedeli", reports to us from Alma-Ata, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev has instructed members of the Security Council to study the experience of countries that have partially legalized drugs. Justice Minister Georgy Kim, who made this information public, nevertheless noted that so far this measure has invariably led to an expansion of the circle of drug addicts - including through so-called soft drugs.

The Kazakh leadership has not started looking for alternative forms of solving the drug problem because life is good. According to the republican Ministry of Health, there are more than 46 thousand drug addicts registered in the country, of which 68 percent use opium and heroin, and 22 percent - marijuana. The rest make do with drugs of plant and synthetic origin.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, Kairbek Suleimenov, believes that the main reason for this sad state of affairs is the transparency of Kazakhstan's borders with neighboring states. Particular criticism is directed at Kyrgyzstan, which has become a haven for migrants thanks to its visa-free regime. Moreover, according to Suleimenov, who cites joint research by Russian and Kazakh special services, 90 percent of drugs coming to Kazakhstan from Afghanistan and Tajikistan continue on to Russia.

As for the legalization of "soft" drugs, the majority of Kazakhstani law enforcement officers are against this step, since "soft" drugs are almost invariably followed by "hard" ones.

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