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Rastaman escapes jail time


A RAstaman who has been using cannabis for 50 years has avoided jail time after his accomplice was found in possession of one of his wholesale warehouses.

Vivien Simms, 61, admitted in court that he supplied drugs to friends and never charged them for it.

He pleaded guilty to two charges of consumption with intent to supply and two charges of simple consumption, for which he was sentenced to 18 months' short-term imprisonment, which was suspended for two years.

Also in the dock was his long-time companion Susan Filmer, 41, who was at their home in Garden Row, Hitchin, when police raided the home.

She pleaded guilty to two charges of possessing very small quantities of cannabis and was given a two-year suspended sentence. She and Sims were each ordered to pay £200 fines. So was Christina Middleditch, 40, of Radcliffe Road, Hitchin.

Simms' stash of marijuana was found in a locked box at her home. She didn't have any keys to him, she was just looking after him for Vivien. She pleaded guilty to two drug charges and was sentenced to 40 hours of community service.

Mrs Vivienne Goddard, prosecuting, said that following the raid both women were arrested. Sims received a call from the police to say his accomplice had been arrested and he immediately admitted all the drugs were his and turned himself in. The largest amount of weed, 1,431 grams, was found in a locked box.

David Gottlieb, Middleditch's defence lawyer, said: "She was simply doing a favour for her friend, not realising how serious it was. She was terrified in court that she would be locked up."

Lawrence Selbai spoke out in Sims' defense: "He's a Rastafarian from Jamaica and has been smoking weed for 50 years because it's part of his culture. He treats his friends to it but never charges for it.

"He can be compared to a leopard whose spots are his birthmark and he has no intention of getting rid of them. But he is worried that his friends are losing their integrity."

Defending Filmer, he said: "She has been his friend for 26 years but has never tried cannabis in her life."

Judge Richard Foster said: "Cannabis is still considered an illegal drug but this case is clearly different to the usual cases of this kind."

He told Sims he was overturning the sentence because of age, culture and the lack of commercialism.

12-07-2004 | TheComet

wow. we need judges like that :)

they got the guy off the hook pretty well %)

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