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Drugs are salvation for a lonely student


Andrey Fursenko, the Minister of Education and Science of Russia, cited shocking data: about 45% of students at Russian universities have used narcotic or psychotropic substances to one degree or another.

The minister cited these figures during his speech at the first All-Russian conference of higher education workers and representatives of public organizations on the problems of introducing new drug prevention technologies in the educational environment. Fursenko called the problem of the spread of drug addiction among young people critical for Russia.

"According to official statistics alone, there are currently up to 4 million people in the country who use drugs. About 70% of them are young people under 25 years of age," the minister noted. According to him, "among the reasons that push them to use drugs, a third of the young people surveyed named loneliness, 60% - poverty." "All young people today are a "risk group." We need to prove to young people that people of success, people of the future, are those who follow the "fashion" for a healthy lifestyle," Fursenko said.

The issue of drug abuse is relevant in Russia as a whole, but some regions continue to be the most disadvantaged in this area. Yesterday, a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on combating drug abuse and their illegal turnover of the Murmansk Region government was held. The general drug situation in the region, the experience of drug prevention in Murmansk and Monchegorsk of state and municipal bodies, public organizations and their interaction were discussed. Measures to increase preventive work in secondary and higher educational institutions were discussed. One of such measures should be a large-scale campaign "SOS Decade", including exhibitions, public seminars, television and radio programs, school and university events held jointly with the Youth Affairs Committees.

The speakers particularly touched upon the problem of legislative regulation of activities related to illegal trafficking and distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances. It was mentioned that the RF Government Resolution of May 2004 aggravates the drug situation by not introducing serious sanctions for small doses of drugs found in dealers and drug addicts. The figures for the region on drug addiction and drug trafficking were cited. There are 1,500 drug addicts officially registered in the region. The speakers themselves noted that in reality these figures are several times higher and difficult to account for. The drug situation in Murmansk (especially in the Pervomaisky District), Monchegorsk and Kandalaksha was considered particularly difficult.

The Oryol region also remains problematic, with the number of hard drug users growing there. The situation related to drug distribution is most unfavorable in the city of Oryol. Over the first 10 months of this year, the department has identified 171 drug-related crimes committed in the regional center. In the city, a mailbox of the trust service of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region is located on the building of the main post office, where residents of Oryol and the region can anonymously leave any information related to the facts of illegal drug trafficking and use. The trust service of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Oryol Region, where you can call and anonymously report any information related to the facts of illegal drug trafficking and use, operates around the clock.

04/21/2007 <a href="">2a5ff916f41e4d778c2898535a2 d2b12</a> [url][/ url] [url=]2a5ff916f41e4d778c2898535a2d2b12[/url] [u]http://2a5ff916f41e4d778c2898535a2d2b12[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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