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Almost 5% of the world's population are drug addicts


185 million people, or 4.7% of the world's population, abused drugs in 2003-2004. Such data are presented in the World Drug Report, which was presented on Friday in Moscow by the UN Deputy Secretary-General, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Antonio Maria Costa.

The presentation of the report took place on the eve of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, celebrated on June 26, Interfax reports.

According to the UN, the most commonly used drugs in the world are marijuana (cannabis) and synthetic drugs such as amphetamine. Over the past year, 150 million people have tried marijuana at least once a year, and about 38 million people on Earth have tried "synthetics", of which 8% preferred ecstasy.

At the same time, for the first time in many years, the report notes "some improvement in the global drug consumption situation: after a period of intensive growth in drug abuse over the past 50 years, there has been a relative decline in the rate of their distribution."

As Costa told journalists, less than one adult in 30 people have used drugs in the past 12 months. At the same time, UN experts point out that the number of tobacco users in the world is seven times higher than the number of drug addicts and makes up about 30% of the world's population - approximately 1.3 billion people.

Over the past year, 5 million people died worldwide from diseases associated with tobacco use, 2.5 million from alcoholism, and only 250 thousand from drugs.

The reduction in drug-related deaths over the past two to three years has been particularly impressive in Western Europe, with a decline of 20%.

The UN calculated that if all these figures are converted into lost years of healthy life, then as a result of drug abuse people lost 11.2 million years of life, and tobacco took away five times more - about 59 million years of healthy existence.

Among the positive trends related to the production and use of drugs, experts first of all highlight the sharp decrease - almost three times - in the consumption of heroin, primarily in Western Europe, as well as in Russia. Experts also note a decrease in coca production by 30% since 1999. At the same time, cocaine consumption in the world has remained stable in recent years.

Specialists are particularly concerned about the scale of the spread of synthetic drugs in developed countries. According to the UN, "given the growth in the number of underground laboratories, the consumption of such drugs in developed countries has recently reached its highest levels."

According to the UN World Report, the marijuana consumption market also continues to develop, now covering South America, Eastern and Western Europe, as well as Africa.

5%... that's all...

04/21/2007 <a href="">683782f67cc9e3af89936288606c9f 20</a> [url][/ url] [url=]683782f67cc9e3af89936288606c9f20[/url] [u]http://683782f67cc9e3af89936288606c9f20-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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