cannabis fun club. конопля, марихуана

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Marijuana instead of a condom


Marijuana may reduce male sexual function, while coffee may enhance it. This is the hypothesis put forward by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. They claim that caffeine increases the speed of sperm movement.

Scientists believe that caffeine encourages sperm to move more actively, and even three cups of coffee a day are enough to significantly increase the ability to reproduce offspring.

Smoking marijuana, on the other hand, appears to have the opposite effect.

It makes the sperm hyperactive, and by the time they meet the egg they are so exhausted that they are unable to fertilize it.

It's all about such an ingredient of marijuana as tetrahydrosannabinol. This chemical increases mental activity, which, in fact, causes a rise in vigor and good mood in lovers of "weed".

Moreover, even if a man gives up marijuana, the negative consequences of its use will continue to make themselves felt for a long time.

The anti-fertilization chemical accumulates in the body's fat layer and remains there for several months.

But tobacco, with all its negative impact on human health in general, as it turned out, does not affect the quality of sperm. At the same time, although everything is fine with the sperm of smokers, it is precisely smoking men who most often have problems with erection.


In short - this article is a clear provocation of Babylon! This is nonsense!!! Propaganda of tobacco and rejection of a pure, natural product is stupidity!!! Source you are fucking wrong!!!!

By the way, the article is not new..

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