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Bayan Shiryanov: “The authorities want us to cave in”


The youth organization "Walking Together" today accuses writer Bayan Shiryanov of distributing pornography. It is quite difficult to prove guilt, so the court has already ordered the sixth linguistic examination of his novel "Middle Pilotage". Bayan Shiryanov (real name Kirill Vorobyov) tells "Novye Izvestia" about how to become a banned writer.

– In parallel with the process of the presence of pornography in your work, your novels “Medium Pilotage” and “High Pilotage” are being withdrawn from bookstores for examination by the Federal Drug Control Service. Human rights activists say that both situations are manifestations of censorship. What do you think about this?

- This is censorship, no matter what is written in our Constitution. Now the test is flying. The authorities are watching to see if society will bend to them. And also, as usual, they need to declare enemies of the people. And to fight them, the authorities have hired political clowns like "Walking Together", who sometimes declare quite sensible slogans, but implement them using completely stupid methods.

- Just recently, "Walking Together" protested against the production of an opera based on Vladimir Sorokin's libretto at the Bolshoi Theatre and kept watch at the entrance to the conductor Alexander Vedernikov's house. He brought them coffee in a thermos so that the young people wouldn't freeze on the street. Didn't you try to find a common language with them?

– How can you find a common language with people who don’t hear you? How do you find it that they came to Vladimir Sorokin with bars on the windows? They threw books at Viktor Pelevin’s windows. They built such a barricade out of these books that he couldn’t open the door. How do you like that? Read what Walking Together wrote on their website in “Visit of the Scoundrel” and “Visit of the Scoundrel-2,” where they call a good friend of mine “a creature that looks like a woman.” What’s that like? Rudeness and hopeless obscurantism in every word: “We disinfected all the things that the scoundrel touched.” And that “Throw Tomatoes” toy. Isn’t that an insult? A request was filed with the prosecutor’s office to open a case. They refused. They think there are “no grounds.” There was a request about me being called a scoundrel…

– In your opinion, are the accusations of “Walking Together” directly related to the claims of the Federal Security Service?

- No, these are parallel processes. Although the Federal Drug Control Service is doing almost the same thing as Walking Together. For example, it is now trying to ban the image of the hemp plant. They say: "We are banning marijuana," but in fact they are only trying to ban the image of the plant. This is nonsense and delirium. I have friends who have a tattoo of a hemp leaf on their body. And what will the Federal Drug Control Service officials do with them? Forcibly cut them off or force them to remove them? And they are already confiscating T-shirts with "hemp." They are confiscating "Cannabis" vodka infused with hemp seeds, although all laws state that these seeds are not drugs. Nonsense and delirium!

- According to the plot of the novel "Mid-Air Flight", the writer Bayan Shiryanov makes a pilgrimage to the monument to Drug Addiction by the sculptor Shemyakin. And what does the real writer Kirill Vorobyov think about this sculpture? Do you think this is drug propaganda?

- And what is propaganda? Something that makes you think about an object, or something that inclines you to buy and accept it? Probably the latter. Both Shemyakin and I - we are trying not only to draw attention to drug addiction, but also to think about who needs it and for what purpose. But officials do not need anyone to think. They are used to thinking and deciding for everyone. And therefore for them, everything that awakens mental stirring in the gray matter is propaganda.

– Do the court cases and performances of “Walking Together” give you good publicity?

– What is happening now depresses me quite a lot, because this is not how I imagined my literary career. Although, of course, unfounded accusations affect the buying up of copies. As for the various rumors about me sitting and getting rich, this is, to put it mildly, not true. Even at the stage of preliminary investigation, the investigator recommended the publishing house not to publish me, although this is completely illegal. And I still don’t have a publisher. Legally, it is possible to publish me, but all publishing houses are afraid. Because if they do this, they can be hit with a fine by the same Federal Tax Service. In the bookstores of Yekaterinburg, “Sredinny Pilotazh” and “Verkhovny Pilotazh” have already been confiscated for examination, the results of which no one has seen yet.

– You have said more than once that you still approve of age-related restrictions on some books?

- I approve of this. I am convinced, for example, that light literature related to sex should be on one shelf, and classics on another. But these shelves must be adjacent. After all, what is an age limit? Normal children must be given lessons in sexology and sexual behavior from the third grade. The question is that our sanctimonious morality develops an attitude towards this as forbidden fruit. But there must be a vaccination against the forbidden fruit.

– And what do you think, is there pornography in your novel?

- No, of course not. I have a parody of pornography. When describing some erotic moments, I really did use pornographic methods. But how? By taking it to the point of absurdity. So that they should evoke both Homeric laughter and disgust. And when one of the experts at the trial said that he felt only disgust from reading "Middle Flight", I believed him. Because that's exactly what the novel was written for. I "called for mercy for the fallen", showed drug addicts as they are. I showed that these people are addicted to drugs, but they are still people first and foremost. There are two completely different types of my readers: people who have used drugs and people who have not used drugs. The former say: "Wow! We didn't have it that great!" - or: "Wow! We had it even better." But in any case, they tend to think that it's true. Those who have never encountered this experience a powerful cultural shock, after which I receive dozens, if not hundreds of emails: “I read your book. Listen, how terribly drug addicts live! I will never use drugs.” The only people they can persuade are mentally ill and immature individuals. But these are already problems for psychiatrists and educators, not mine. There is a lot in the novel. But you can’t take Pushkin’s correspondence, tear out one phrase from it that contains a swear word, and hang it on the fence. Pornography is what “Walking Together” does. What did they do in Sorokin’s case? They cut out the most immodest fragments of the text, sealed them in one book “Vladimir Sorokin. Selected Works,” and the result was indeed pornography. But you can’t really consider a part in isolation from the whole.

– The other day, during a literary meeting at the Central House of Writers, your accuser Vasily Yakemenko admitted that he had not read the novel “Mid-Aircraft”…

- I will tell you a classic aphorism that I came up with myself: thieves, fools, roads - it's all nonsense. The main problem of Russia is amateurs. If there were no amateurs, there would be roads, there would be no stealing, and there would be fewer fools.

– Have you tried to resolve the situation out of court?

- Of course, I tried. The case was closed at the investigation stage due to lack of evidence. And a week later it was reopened again at the insistence of the prosecutor's office. This is a regular government order, a regular "vertebral" law.

– In that case, how much hope do you have for a positive outcome in your case?

- I have absolutely no hope.

– But three out of four expert commissions did not find any pornography in your novel.

- Yes, but they are not recognized as evidence because these expert opinions were written in violation of procedural norms. The only expert opinion that was written without violating these norms is the expert opinion of the Institute of Russian Language, which states that in such and such episodes of the novel there are formal signs of pornography. But within the framework of a linguistic expert opinion, it is impossible to answer this question. Therefore, the prosecutor's office is now forced to look for new experts.

- And what will happen to you?

“I tell everyone: “They’ll screw me.” But I didn’t steal.”


1) LSD: Hallucinogens, psychedelics and the phenomenon of addiction (Danilin A.G.)

2) Wolfe T. Electric Coolant Acid Test

3) Allah Doesn't Love America (ed. Adam Parfrey)

4) Welsh I. On the Trainspotting

5) An anthology of modern anarchism and left radicalism. T. 1 (compiled by A. Tsvetkov)

6) Anthology of modern anarchism and left radicalism. Vol. 1 (compiled by A. Tsvetkov)

7) Anthology of modern anarchism and left radicalism. Vol. 2 (compiled by A. Tsvetkov)

8) Anthology of modern anarchism and left radicalism. Vol. 2 (compiled by A. Tsvetkov)

9) Crowley A. Diary of a drug addict

10) Our own intelligence Methods of recruiting agents... Practical. pos. (Ronin R.)

11) Marijuana: Forbidden Medicine (Grinspoon L., Bacalar J.)

12) Novgorodtsev S. Sex/Drugs/Rock-n-roll

13) Why do people hate America? (Sardar Z., Davis M.V.)

14) Why do they hate us? Eternal war for the sake of eternal peace (Vidal G.)

15) Conversation with a Barbarian. Conversations with the Chechen field commander Khozh-Akhmed Nukhayev about banditry and Islam (Khlebnikov P. Yu.)

16) Tales about our President

17) Shiryanov B.P. Aerobatics

18) Shiryanov B.P. Sexton

19) Shiryanov B.P. Middle aerobatics

20) Storming the Skies: The True Story of LSD from Its Rise to Illegal End (Stevens J.)

21) Vitkevich S.I. Drugs/The only way out

* The list was compiled by the Top-Kniga chain of bookstores on the recommendation of the Federal Drug Control Service

If anyone knows where to get the above literature in electronic form, please share.


I'll take a look in electronic form, but in normal form I have On the Needle, and all the Shiryanovs)))

Well, you can get it in a normal one ;)

21.04.2007 <a href="">1093bd332f5aeba37bb4c30ec839e459</a> [ url][/ url] [url=]1093bd332f5aeba37bb4c30ec839e459[/url] [u]http://1093bd332f5aeba37bb4c30ec839e459-b3.k90u0[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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