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Vladimir Pozner - a recovering drug addict15.07.2004
Alexander Nikonov My interlocutor is the most famous TV presenter in Russia, one of the most erudite people in the country. I decided to talk to him about an extremely painful problem for our youth - drug addiction. Pozner agreed. - Let me start with a personal question. You lived a lot in America. Everyone smokes marijuana there. And you, by any chance, didn't smoke? - I smoked marijuana a little. But my American friends do it regularly. And this is despite the fact that they don't smoke tobacco at all. - Well, how do you feel? - I think the effect of marijuana is very individual. It was like this for me: if I am in a good mood and I am in the company of pleasant people, my mood gets even better and being with these people becomes even more pleasant. If I am in a bad mood and I don't like people, then this unpleasant feeling gets worse. And in my case marijuana sharpened my perception of music. I love music. I have several thousand different records, CDs. I remember when I first tried marijuana and put on music, I heard it completely differently - richer. I caught sounds that I had not heard before. But the most amazing thing is that later, without marijuana, I continued to hear this music!.. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to say that I got used to marijuana, I smoked it three or four times, and didn't want more. And those American friends of mine - I won't name them, they are very famous people who smoke weed regularly, they do it not because of a drug habit, but simply for pleasure. Just like eating watermelon - not because of addiction, but for pleasure. - So maybe we should legalize marijuana, like in Holland? - As many experts rightly note, there is no harm at all from marijuana. And, of course, it needs to be legalized. But I go further than the Dutch government, I believe that all drugs should be legalized. Let them be sold in pharmacies. - A fantastic idea! Hysterical women will probably say that Pozner is calling for the total drug addiction of the population. "Give them free rein, and everyone will run to the pharmacy!" - they will say. - Who's all? Will you run? Will I run? Will the middle class run?.. Hysterics are hysterics, there's no point in paying attention to them. You need to understand one thing: the legalization of alcohol does not lead to the alcoholization of the population. But prohibition does! In the USA, it was prohibition that gave birth to the mafia. In our country, remember, the "anti-alcohol campaign" caused the mass production of underground "bootleg" vodka. There is no such thing as a ban on drugs - there is a transfer of drug production by the state from the hands of legal producers to the hands of the mafia. And this transfer leads to the fact that an even more harmful - "dirty" drug enters the market. Of course, one can call for shooting drug dealers. And they are shot. One can call for hanging them. And they are hanged. One can call for cutting off their heads. And they are cut off - precisely in those regions where all this crap is produced. But it's no use... Of course, the drug mafia will furiously resist the legalization of drugs. Drug lords will do anything to keep their profits: they will buy politicians, public figures, journalists. All their money is made on prohibition... Don't get me wrong. I am an absolute opponent of drugs. I believe that drugs must be fought with the utmost severity. But I don't see any other way to defeat this plague than legalization. The much-respected wife of President Reagan once put forward a slogan addressed to young people: "Just say "no!" A wonderful slogan, but completely unrealistic. As for Holland... The experience of this country gives certain grounds to believe that the path of legalizing drugs is positive. But what is Holland? A tiny country with a tiny population. The drug problem needs to be solved on a global scale - this is an international business. Today it brings 1000 percent profit! But it needs to be made unprofitable. And there is only one way - legalization. Only forbidden fruit is sweet. No one will turn to the mafia if the same marijuana can be bought in a pharmacy. And no mafia will work at a loss. - It is difficult for the whole world to come to an agreement at once. What if we start with Russia? - It will be good for Russia. Although it will not solve the problem on a global scale. - At what age do you suggest freely selling marijuana and other drugs? - Just like legal drugs are sold now - alcohol and nicotine - from the age of 18. By the way, about legal drugs today... Cigarettes, in my opinion, are much more dangerous killers than marijuana. Millions of people die from them every year in the world. And the way the fight against smoking is poorly promoted in our society depresses me. There are huge street billboards advertising cigarettes everywhere and somewhere at the bottom in small letters: "The Ministry of Health warns"... In England, on every pack of cigarettes, in bold, across it is written: "Smoking kills!" A strong emotional impact, you must agree. And here in Russia - so embarrassingly, in tiny letters. By the way, a good example of how, without banning a drug, through propaganda alone, one can achieve a strong reduction in its consumption is America. The number of smokers there has dropped sharply. And already in certain circles, smoking has become as indecent as farting. Indeed, if you think about it, drawing smoke into your lungs is generally a very strange activity. But they get involved, knowing full well that it is harmful, since nicotine is highly addictive. It was with great difficulty that I managed to jump off him. - Share your experience. - I simply painted myself into a corner... One day, having quit smoking for eight months, I decided that I was now in full control of the situation and could allow myself to smoke once a day. I took out a cigarette - and off it went again... By the end of each day my head was like this, in the morning my mouth felt like cats had taken a dump. I started looking for a reason to quit again, and I found one. My wife, who was then working for the magazine "Soviet Union", really wanted to leave, but she couldn't bring herself to. And then I said: listen, if you leave, I will quit smoking, I give you my word. She left. I quit. It wasn't easy. I even had difficult dreams. Once I dreamed that I was in some city, I think in Spain, standing by a fountain, next to me was my daughter Katya, who had never smoked before. And suddenly she opens her purse, takes out a pack of Marlboros, a lighter, gives me a cigarette, lights it herself, and brings me a light. I smoke and cry. I cry both because she smokes and because I broke my word... I woke up in tears, my face wet... I have a friend who is in charge of the psychiatric department at a hospital, and I told him about this dream. He replied that this is absolutely typical for a drug addict - just a textbook case. The body's reaction to the lack of a dose, withdrawal. I'm afraid to even touch a cigarette. I know perfectly well what will happen if I take a drag even once - I'll "go" again. It's like with alcoholics. In order to quit, an alcoholic must admit that he is an alcoholic and not take another drop in his mouth. Because one glass - and you'll break down. And in this sense, I am a "cigarette alcoholic". Or, to put it simply, a former drug addict. - They say there are no former drug addicts. - But there are those who quit. I quit.
Tverskaya Gazeta
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