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Учебник с текстами про марихуану


Latvian schoolchildren solve alcohol problems in math lessons. An experimental algebra textbook for ninth graders in Russian schools tells how to make vodka of a certain strength from alcohol. Some saw evil intent in this.
In the algebra textbook, the section “Solutions and Mixtures” invites ninth-graders to solve 8 problems with an alcohol theme. Here are some of them: “How much water must be added to 4 liters of 90-proof alcohol to obtain 80-proof alcohol” or “How many cubic centimeters of pure alcohol must be added to 500 cubic centimeters of 40-proof vodka to obtain vodka with a strength of 50” degrees". It is worth adding that this textbook has been approved by the Ministry of Education of Latvia. The teachers are outraged.

Яков Плинер, депутат Сейма Латвии, доктор педагогических наук: "То, что ребятишек привлекают и напоминают об алкоголе, я думаю, это аморально и антипедагогично. Можно давать задачи на расстояние, можно смешивать любые другие химические вещества. Но в стране, где и так многие страдают алкоголизмом, привлекать внимание к этому недопустимо".

Mathematics teachers do not pay much attention to problems involving alcohol dilution and try to avoid them whenever possible.

Людмила Вальнер, учитель математики: "Умный учитель, даже видя эту задачу, может ее пропустить. Он может поменять содержание. И сколько мы ни работаем, ни один учебник не совершенен".

Ninth-graders themselves have a rather negative attitude towards the conditions of mathematical problems with vodka and alcohol.

Ivan Matveyev, a 9th grade student at a Riga secondary school: "I don't think this is normal, but the thing is that ninth graders are so used to hearing about this in their lives that it doesn't cause any reaction."

Cильва Шубралова, ученица 9 класса рижской средней школы: "Да, мы решаем, бывают такие задачи, попадаются. Реакция - некоторые смеются, некоторые выдают какие-то приколы".

Andrey Solovyov, 9th grade student at Riga Secondary School: "When problems mention alcohol and cigarettes, it probably somehow encourages them to use them."

This is the second time in the last month that the content of textbooks in Russian schools has caused discontent. Recently, parents were shocked by a Latvian language textbook with texts about marijuana and corruption of minors.
ТВ Центр

21.04.2007 <a href="">7d96ad36b0082fc0388bae897c26cb 2c</a> [url][/ url] [url=]7d96ad36b0082fc0388bae897c26cb2c[/url] [u]http://7d96ad36b0082fc0388bae897c26cb2c-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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