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Moldovan woman grew cannabis for "medicinal" purposes


According to the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs, the detained 56-year-old Olga Balan told law enforcement agencies that she raised hemp in her own garden for medicinal purposes. After conducting an investigation, the police found that a real laboratory for the production of drugs, which were subsequently sold, was set up in the suspect's house. A similar case was uncovered by police in the village of Moreni Noi in the Ungheni district, where employees of the Transport Police Department found crushed green plant matter with a specific smell at the home of 42-year-old Tudor Volkov marijuana . Poppy seeds and a bag of hemp straw. The total weight of the seized plant matter was 5 kg. The man told law enforcement officers that he was unemployed and that drug trafficking was his only way to earn a stable income. Criminal prosecution was instituted on both counts under the provisions of the Criminal Code of Moldova. According to current legislation, those found guilty of committing such crimes face imprisonment for a term of 8 to 10 years.

Violetta Krakowska


04/21/2007 <a href="">143cf0deb1d54469e478d355f09aa5 7a</a> [url][/ url] [url=]143cf0deb1d54469e478d355f09aa57a[/url] [u]http://143cf0deb1d54469e478d355f09aa57a-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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