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Yukos was accused of promoting drugs07/02/2004
An administrative case for violation of the advertising law was brought against the owners of a Yukos gas station in Voronezh for illegal drug advertising. “This advertisement has signs of violation of clause 6, article 5 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” in terms of the distribution of advertising that encourages individuals to engage in dangerous actions, the use of a mixture of alcohol in the form of forty percent vodka and a narcotic/psychotropic substance - an alkaloid in the composition of hemp grains, capable of causing harm to the health of individuals,” says the resolution to initiate an administrative case. (Author - M.A. Vyshvorkin, police major, original spelling and punctuation preserved - "Gazeta.Ru"). The "illegal advertising" that the YUKOS gas station is accused of was contained in a tag that the manufacturer attached to the bottle. It read "LOR Cannabis Vodka Extra Quality. Hemp vodka.. An alcoholic beverage made from hemp seed extract. Enjoy this wonderful drink, but don't forget about its amazing power." Previously, YUKOS and related companies had already been accused of cruelty to animals (the famous case of uncontrollably breeding rabbits), and in the middle of winter they demanded that the tundra be replanted as soon as possible. Gazeta.Ru
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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in. |
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