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Canadian government offered to make money on marijuana


The independent Canadian organization Fraser Institute, whose experts study modern markets, has proposed that the government legalize marijuana. At the same time, it assures that the income in the form of taxes on this business can bring the treasury two billion a year.

The author of the idea, Stefan Easton, a professor of economics at the Fraser Institute, is guided by purely economic considerations. He reminds us that about a quarter of Canadians smoke marijuana from time to time, and even more citizens grow it. In the province of British Columbia alone, there are about 17,500 producers - all illegal.

So, economists suggest, if marijuana is treated like any other "subsistence farm" and trade item, the state can earn a lot of money on these deals. According to Stefan Easton's calculations, in British Columbia alone, the "most marijuana province" in the country, the turnover is 7 billion Canadian dollars a year.

Meanwhile, citizens caught illegally trading cannabis in its various forms rarely end up in jail. Financially, everyone loses out - sellers, buyers, and authorities.

Arguments like these have been circulating in Canadian political circles for years. A couple of years ago, senators began urging the government to get involved in growing and distributing marijuana crops.

Mark Emery, the owner of a business selling hemp seeds in British Columbia, agrees with the idea. He has been trying to legalize his business for years: marijuana producers agree to pay their taxes honestly and quietly make a profit. Another argument he makes is that legalizing the drug would save the Canadian justice system about half a million dollars a year - that's how much it currently costs to prosecute and imprison those accused under this article.

The police see nothing good in the proposed legalization of marijuana. Every year, law enforcement uncovers three thousand illegal marijuana plantations in British Columbia alone. They cannot declare this business legal. The question arises among the men in uniform: what will be the next step? Legalization of cocaine?


04/21/2007 <a href="">ef9f471f136116c6b9504961d65 d7441</a> [url][/ url] [url=]ef9f471f136116c6b9504961d65d7441[/url] [u]http://ef9f471f136116c6b9504961d65d7441[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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