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A six-year-old brought a backpack containing marijuana to school.


It remains unknown what prompted the teacher to suddenly ask the child to open his school bag and show him its contents right in the middle of the lesson.

When the boy unquestioningly complied with the teacher’s demands, small bags of drugs literally spilled out of his backpack.

The most interesting thing is that the child had no idea what it was or how it got into his bag.

After listening to the student, the teacher handed over the dangerous find to the school principal, who immediately contacted the police.

However, before the law enforcement officers had time to arrive at the scene of the incident, the father of the young “dealer” rushed to the school. He snatched his son’s backpack and immediately disappeared.

However, 29-year-old Corey Randle was unable to get far and was detained by police some time later.

It turned out that he hid the marijuana in his son’s backpack, confident that no one would think to look there.

Naturally, the unfortunate drug dealer did not think that the child could go to school.

When he discovered that his school bag was missing, he immediately ran to school.

Now the hapless father has been arrested on drug trafficking charges and will appear in court in the near future.


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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In chapter gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
