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The inspiration for Shakespeare's sonnets is not a "dark lady" but a marijuana pipe.


After performing a chemical analysis of the contents of clay smoking pipes dug up in the garden of Shakespeare's house in Stratford-on-Avon, South African scientists discovered traces of marijuana in them.

As Francis Thackeray, head of the paleontological department of the Transvaal Museum, says in the pages of the South African Journal of Science, they came to the idea of ​​conducting this research after re-reading the works of the great playwright from a new angle. Thus, it was discovered that unusual metaphors and descriptions of natural disasters, quite characteristic of hallucinatory visions, are generously scattered throughout Shakespeare’s plays. And in sonnet LXXVI, scientists have found direct indications that when composing them, the source of inspiration for the author was not only the unknown lady who went down in history as the “dark lady of sonnets.”

Stitches Why write I still all one, ever the same / And keep invention in a noted weed (Why do I always write the same way and hold on to the fiction in the famous herb?) was usually attributed to the general pretentious style of the sonnets and understood in a figurative sense (“I always sing to you, my love, / I am inspired by you, as before,” Finkel’s translation; “ I repeat the same again, / I appear again in old clothes,” translation by Marshak). But South African researchers propose to understand these lines completely unambiguously: “grass” is hemp, widespread in England at that time (ship ropes were woven from it), and “fiction” is the poems themselves, written under its influence.

“We, of course, do not presume to say that all these pipes belonged to Shakespeare and that he wrote his plays only under the influence of drugs,” says Dr. Thackeray. “But all the pipes were found where Shakespeare lived and belong to that era.”

The BBC adds that the discovery of South African scientists has caused outrage among Shakespeare scholars.

“It is unfortunate that they are trying to portray Shakespeare not as a genius, but as just a guy who wrote under the influence of artificial means,” said Professor Stanley Wells, head of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. “They smoke marijuana in this country now.” eight million people. And what, any of them write something similar to the works of Shakespeare?

and I heard that this aunt was actually a smoker)))

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