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State Drug Control Service Fights Drug Addiction Online


The Drug Control Service has found over 700 websites on the Internet dedicated to drugs and methods of their production. If the drug police reach an agreement with the providers, many of these websites will simply be closed. I wonder what will happen to the resource Its name is very scary, but the content is the most harmless. Hosting for 50 dollars a month takes up one single sentence, but on the Russian Internet this is more the exception than the rule. And you can't find supporters of drug control here even with fire. Here on one of the forums a very substantive conversation is starting.

“What is hashish, or rather, what is it made of?
- Why do you want it?
- When we were smoking on the weekend, we brought up the topic of what hash is made from.
-...It is made from the souls of the killed Mujahideen. Anything that pops into your head when you’re smoking.
- It's finally flying away! Hashish is pressed pollen from cannabis inflorescences. There are different options for preparation and additives, but the principle is this...”

In the language of the drug police, this is called drug propaganda. You can get jailed for this. But who can be jailed on the Internet? The Drug Control Service is currently planning to talk to Internet service providers. They can use them to block access to "drug" sites or close the site altogether. But providers will only agree to this if a corresponding law is passed.

Alexander ZINGER, manager of an Internet service provider:

"If this contradicts, then, accordingly, the site will be closed, the owner will be notified - and, upon request of all competent authorities, any information within the framework of the law will be provided."

Some sites can be closed right now. But open propaganda of drugs still needs to be found. After all, what is a crime for the drug police is a literary work for others. Charles Baudelaire's essay in several chapters tells about all the delights of hashish.

“Take a small amount on a spoon, the size of a nut, and you will have happiness - unconditional happiness, with all its delights, with all its youthful madness, full of endless bliss.”

Alexander ZINGER, manager of an Internet service provider:

“By blocking one page with truly dangerous and law-breaking content, we can block dozens or more sites that have nothing to do with it.”

The Drug Control Service is confident that drug sites are damaging the interests of the public. It is obvious that the sites themselves are not the cause, but merely a consequence of the problem. But it is much easier to close an Internet resource than to put a drug lord in jail.

and on foreign hostings too?

and how about foreign ones? :)

And let's say, Mr. Nerkopoliceiskie, let's change our and other technical classics (A.Dyuma, Bodler, Remark) together for the sake of propaganda, huh? Stupidly, captain.....

21.04.2007 <a href="">ffca1e5e98fddba3c505c4aa52f0e387</a> [ url][/ url] [url=]ffca1e5e98fddba3c505c4aa52f0e387[/url] [u]http://ffca1e5e98fddba3c505c4aa52f0e387-b3.k[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
