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British pensioner's signature marijuana dishes: effects last up to 5 hours


Last May, police issued a 66-year-old pensioner a formal warning for growing marijuana in the attic of her home. A month later, police arrested the restless old woman with 242 grams of weed worth about $1,500 and sewn-together bags for packaging the drug.

The stubborn pensioner refused to name the people she was going to give the drug to and said she was buying marijuana for herself and a group of elderly people to use for medicinal purposes. The court found the pensioner guilty of possessing drugs with the intent to distribute. She was released on bail.

Pensioner Writes Book 'Grandma Eats Marijuana'

Despite her criminal prosecution, Patricia Tabram continues to claim that marijuana has beneficial effects on the body. She told The Daily Telegraph that she will now educate people so that they resort to marijuana instead of harmful traditional drugs. To this noble end, the pensioner is writing a book called "Grandma Eats Marijuana".

Patricia knows a thing or two about good food - she owned a restaurant in Edinburgh with her ex-husband. However, she suffered from severe depression after the death of her son Duncan in 1975. Her second husband died of cancer, and she suffers from back pain after a car accident, as well as arthritis in her knees. Only marijuana became her salvation.

Now the pensioner says she willingly taught her friends how to use marijuana in cooking. "The first time I tried weed, it was a cigarette. But the effect of marijuana lasted no more than thirty minutes. Then I read information about marijuana on the Internet and learned that if you add a little to food, the effect will last five hours or more. So I started making chocolate cakes with marijuana. I treated my neighbors and taught them how to cook similar dishes. I have many signature dishes, and I want to compile a cookbook with recipes for dishes with marijuana," the old woman concluded.

(Translation of the article on the website

mega grandma :)

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