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One joint of marijuana lasts for a month, scientists from the USA have proven


Regularly smoking marijuana harms memory and affects decision-making, says Jean Cadit of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. To find out why this happens, he examined 54 people who smoked weed, monitoring blood flow to the brain. The most avid of them smoked 50 “spliffs” every day.

People who consumed weed had higher blood pressure as blood passed through the brain. However, greater resistance to blood flow was also noted, suggesting that marijuana alters the brain's blood vessels, preventing oxygen from efficiently reaching the tissues. To compensate, the body sends extra blood to this area of ​​the brain, which increases resistance, but there is still not enough oxygen.

Caidit and his colleagues used an ultrasensitive technique called transcranial Doppler sonography to "see" blood flow in individual vessels. After abstaining from marijuana use for a month - during which time the volunteers agreed to stay in the clinic - Cadit repeated the sonography. Blood flow resistance among moderate marijuana users (11 to 44 doses per week) began to return to normal, writes New Scientist.

However, such an improvement did not occur among heavy smokers, who consume about 130 joints per week. "We were surprised because we expected the situation to improve after quitting marijuana," Cadit says. He now wants to see if there is a link between changes in blood flow to the brain and the level of neuropsychological problems.

To discount the effects of tobacco in joints, Keidit compared his results with sonograms of cigarette smokers who showed normal blood flow to the brain.

At the same time, William Notcutt from the James Paget Hospital in Norfolk, British, emphasizes that long-term effects on the brain may not be caused by the same substances that contribute to the “high.”

“Anyone who smokes 50 joints a day is getting a huge amount of carcinogens from the cannabis plant,” he notes. “We know that the effects of cannabis on the cardiovascular system are very complex and multifactorial, they are not as simple as others.” drugs. Now we need to study a group of people who use high quality medicinal extracts."

Notcutt adds that the results of the study may be different in a group of people who smoke marijuana only occasionally and therefore receive lower doses of toxic substances.

50 joints!!!!!!

Are they idiots? :))))))))

BCE PABHO Amsterdam
I would take part in this experiment :)

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