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Moscow legislators are going to make their contribution to the fight against drug trafficking. Yesterday, Moscow City Duma deputies proposed amendments to federal laws concerning fines for drug use and possession. In addition, deputies are going to give employers the right to allow sending employees for compulsory examination...

Moscow deputies do not like the fines imposed for using average single doses of drugs - 4-5 minimum wages. And since the cost of this dose is often no less than the amount of the fine itself, the threat of such punishment does not cause fear among drug addicts, says one of the initiators of the amendments, deputy Yuri Popov. But if the fines are increased to a sum of several thousand rubles, then this measure of administrative responsibility will be truly effective, says the deputy.

Moscow legislators are also concerned about the situation on the market for poisonous and potent drugs. According to Yuri Popov, many medical drugs are not far removed from illegal drugs in their pharmacological properties, and their presence in city pharmacies poses a potential threat to society fighting drugs. Deputies propose amending the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which illegal purchase of such drugs will require a fine of up to 1,000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 5 days from fans of "consciousness expansion." The punishment for doctors who illegally write prescriptions for potent substances will be increased to 3,000 rubles, and for legal entities - up to 30,000 rubles in fines. The proposal by the deputies was supported by Lieutenant General Alexander Mikhailov, Head of the Information Activities Department of the Federal Drug Control Service, who believes that many drugs are used to produce homemade drugs. Indeed, today in Moscow you can buy butarfanol, zaldiar, glycodin, tussin, terpinkod and other medical preparations containing narcotic substances even without a prescription. This, of course, must be combated.

Another, rather controversial proposal was made by Moscow deputies. The discussion was about introducing an article into the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which the employer has the right to forcibly send a subordinate for drug testing. In addition, the deputies are going to amend the federal law "On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", giving legal entities this right. In this proposal, the deputies were also supported by representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service. However, this proposal requires more serious consideration, in the sense that it is necessary to determine the labor specialties that fall under the scope of this article.

And although such agility raises some doubts, the Moscow City Duma deputies adopted the proposed resolutions in the first reading.



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