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Izhevsk entertainment club accused of promoting drugs21.01.2005
"Party without censorship", International Student Day - the syllable "NAR" - in capital letters. On the tickets - marijuana leaves. Having seen the posters of one of the city's entertainment venues, drug control officers decided - it looks like drug propaganda. They turned to experts - psychologists and linguists. "The expert conducted a scientific study with specialists - they created a whole program, revealed - this is propaganda", - reports Sergey Zuyev, head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Udmurt Republic. - "Then we worked with another group - anonymously - they believed that it calls for breaking the law, using drugs."
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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in. |
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E-mail: hemptop(as)googlemail.com |