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Drugs: Prevention is salvation

11.04.2008 Drug addiction is an incurable disease
When addicted to drugs, mental dependence first develops, as a result of which mental activity changes: a person cannot do without drug doping. The next stage is physical dependence, when drugs are included in the metabolism. Physical dependence to synthetic drugs does not develop.
Drug addiction is a virtually incurable disease.
Physical dependence cannot be removed by anything! It is possible to achieve long-term remission, sometimes even up to 15-20 years, but the drug addict can “break down” at any moment.
Criminal liability in our country follows for the storage, transportation and trade of drugs. There is no trial for use: drug addicts are considered sick people who need to be treated. Despite the fact that the attitude towards drug addiction in our country is negative, the laws are liberal, it is very difficult to send, for example, a minor for treatment.
What are young people “interested in”?
Many of our 12-13 year old teenagers begin their acquaintance with drugs mainly with the use of cannabis derivatives. Hashish, obtained from its milky juice, invigorates and amuses, especially in company. Teenagers are excited, changes in behavior are noted. Thus, cannabis “milk”, the use of which was noted by students of some city schools, led to the development of psychoses.
The annual increase in drug addicts is 50% among the adult population, more than 100% among teenagers and young people.
According to the Ministry of Health
Marijuana is the most common illegal drug in the world. In the US alone, 14 million people smoke marijuana at least once a month. Although marijuana does not cause physical addiction, psychological addiction occurs immediately. In such situations, it is very important for parents to react promptly, consult a drug addiction specialist, and correct behavior. Marijuana is very accessible and dangerous these days: it paves the way to hard drugs.
The second group of drugs popular in the city are opiates, which are obtained by extracting opium poppy. Homemade "shirka" is, in fact, home-made heroin. The most severe physical dependence is typical, the "withdrawal" is extremely painful. The effect of opium is destructive, vital organs and immunity are affected, and death inevitably occurs with prolonged use. The blood becomes infected, since "shirka" is already infected where it is bought. A very serious physical dependence is observed - withdrawal of the drug causes severe muscle pain, tearing, suffocation. In this state, the drug addict is ready to commit any crime, even murder, for the sake of another "dose".
And the third group is synthetic stimulants or drugs derived from medicines. In Kramatorsk, they mainly “sit” on amphetamines, which can be easily made at home. The consequences are terrible, irreversible, disability sometimes occurs almost immediately. Very strong
psychological dependence, the brain is quickly destroyed.
Head of the Polyclinic of the drug treatment center N. N. Shevchuk, Chief physician of the Health Center O. L. Priymenko

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