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Drug addiction test

02.04.2008 Drug prevention or human rights violation? A new method of testing for banned substances in the body has sparked a heated debate between human rights activists and doctors. And although the debate remains open, the first university has been found where students will be tested for drugs on a mandatory basis.

"The procedure is painless and voluntary," explains the examiner, putting on a rubber glove. "I agree," replies the student, removing jewelry from her hand. Metal objects can distort the results of the electropuncture resonance test. To the question "Have you ever used drugs?" the brave girl answers "Yes," but she finds it difficult to answer which ones.

A year and a half ago, a student tried hashish, and the detector developed by Baumanka specialists easily identified it. Any substance entering the body leaves its mark for a long time - information in the form of impulses, which the device recognizes. Our body remembers everything. "Every specific object of the material world has a specific rhythm. A Krasnodar tomato has one rhythm, a Far Eastern tomato has another, Dzhambul marijuana has one, Indian or Buryat marijuana has another. That's all," explains Vladimir Kruk, an employee of the educational and methodological center "Health-saving technologies and prevention of drug addiction among young people."

Here is the body of first-year student Kirill Ershov, who does not remember anything about drugs. Kirill will be given a special certificate about this. "I think this machine can be trusted. Science in general should be trusted," the student believes.

Here, for the sixth year, they have been testing students, but not all of them, but only those wishing to enter the faculty of military training, explaining that future officers of the Rocket and Space Forces must have a clear head. “The first thing drug addiction leads to is dementia. We must remember that the workload at Moscow Higher Technical School is heavy, they are not compatible with such personal damage,” says Gennady Semikin, director of the educational and methodological center.

Why did they decide to check students in particular? - human rights activists are indignant. - Why not soldiers or mechanics? "There is a problem of long-standing and huge corruption. Wealthy people who use drugs will buy their way out. Then the temptation will be very great, and the prices will be very high," says Vladimir Lukin, the Russian Federation's Human Rights Commissioner. This is a violation of the principle of the presumption of innocence - he defends his position. - But we are very peace-loving and are not going to expel anyone, - they object at Baumanka.

Peoples' Friendship University also says that they are friendly. Drug testing is not a punitive measure, but a preventive one, and does not entail any repression. The only thing that threatens a student caught using drugs is a long and serious conversation with a university psychologist, who will try to help and most likely send him for treatment.

On Miklukho-Maklaya Street there is no longer the drug distribution center that was there 14 years ago, - the rector states responsibly. There are surveillance cameras in the classrooms, and their own police station. RUDN is perhaps the first state university that has decided to test students for drug addiction on a mandatory basis, and starting this year, one hundred percent of students will be tested.

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