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Cannabis has become more accessible than alcohol

02.04.2008 Young people believe that cannabis is safer than alcohol and is also more accessible.

According to recent studies, the number of cannabis lovers has increased sharply among young people. And the young weed lovers themselves believe that the reason for its growing popularity is its availability and... the campaigns against the spread of cannabis.

"We young people don't get involved with drugs because we're bored, or because our friends are using them, or because we're stupid," said 17-year-old Siim. "It's the propaganda that arouses curiosity and becomes the reason why young people climb higher and higher up the ladder of drug addiction."

Siim's first encounter with hashish was five years ago, when a stranger offered him and a friend a joint. "It worked and made a good impression," he recalls, emphasizing that he has not been addicted to cannabis since he was 12. "I've been smoking it constantly for the last year and a half," Siim admitted.

Siim is convinced that there would be fewer kids trying drugs and becoming addicted if there wasn’t so much talk about drugs.

"The campaign is a joke"

“The current campaign is all jokes, and reading the materials of the Tõmbaja publication in the hemp section of, I just laughed,” Siim noted in connection with the ongoing media campaign against hemp and the Internet page of the Institute for Health Development promoting quitting drugs.

According to Siim, young people are not interested in warnings about the dangers of cannabis. “Society will probably be ready for the complete legalization of drugs no earlier than five years from now, but if this happens, then at first the popularity of cannabis will probably increase, but the consumption of other, more dangerous drugs would certainly decrease.”

He himself has never regretted using cannabis. "I am considered one of the smartest at school, the addiction is minimal and psychological," admitted Siim, who, in his own words, would have become a typical young man with no interest in anything and who is always partying without cannabis. "I had the potential to become one, but my alcohol consumption is practically zero."

Andres, who is about to turn 18, admitted that the number of young people using cannabis has increased, but he does not see this as a problem. “If you think about it, alcohol is several times more dangerous,” he said.

Andres first tried cannabis a year ago and, by his own admission, uses it occasionally, but does not consider himself addicted and is convinced that cannabis has not caused him any harm.

But he also believes that cannabis use is now too early. "The fight against underage cannabis smokers could be fought by establishing state control over its sale," he noted. "Dealers don't care how old their client is, the main thing for them is money."

Andres agrees with the study's findings that cannabis is increasingly being used by young, successful people.

Getting cannabis, he says, is fairly easy. "You just need to find a friend who uses cannabis, and basically everyone has such friends," he assured.

Other cannabis smokers agree with this, as evidenced by an experiment conducted by Postimees, which found that in order to get cannabis, a 15-year-old teenager needs a phone, an hour or two of free time and, of course, money.

"One gram is enough for a cool party for three people, and it costs 300 crowns," Andres said. "But some dealers are already asking for 350."

An absurd situation

Madis, an 18-year-old vocational school student, first tried hashish when he was 13 or 14. A cannabis smoker himself, he doesn't think it's right to start smoking at such an early age. "It's just funny when 14-year-old boys smoke in the school yard and then go to class," he says.

According to Madis, when started the campaign against cannabis, the number of visitors to cannabis smokers' forums on the Internet increased more than fivefold.

According to Oliver, 23, who has been smoking cannabis for almost eight years, the situation is simply absurd. “Cannabis is illegal, but it is easier for young people to get hold of it than alcohol,” he says.

Dealers who specialize in cannabis often sell other drugs as well, Oliver said.

"Young people are in a world where cannabis is not considered a drug, and they don't believe the scary stories about cannabis. So why should they believe stories about the harm of really dangerous drugs if they are sold by the same dealer," Oliver says. "Anti-propaganda only increases young people's mistrust of adequate media."

Cannabis is smoked by excellent and good students

Last year's European survey of schoolchildren destroyed the myth that drugs are predominantly used by students with low academic performance and Russian speakers.

According to the survey, the proportion of well-performing schoolchildren who have already tried drugs has increased significantly. Last year, 28 percent of Estonian-speaking schoolchildren tried hemp products, and 20 percent of Russian-speaking students.

According to the project manager of the Institute for Health Development, Ann Virkus, the popularity of cannabis is explained by the fact that its harmful properties are hidden. "The damage to health is not done immediately, but after a long period of time, and no one will escape a severe hangover," she assures.

According to Wirkus, awareness campaigns have always been useful. “They make you think and they spark discussions,” she says. Wirkus says she knows of many cases where people have changed their behavior or sought help as a result of the campaign.

“I am certainly grateful to the young people, as their letters and comments allowed me to gain insight into the most common urban legends and superstitions, which greatly helped to define the information objectives of the campaign,” said Wirkus.

She also added that she does not expect attitudes to change in one or two campaigns. “The belief that if nothing bad happened to me or my friends, for example, because of smoking cannabis, then nothing bad happens, and is just lying, is widespread,” Virkus states. “It can only be overcome with consistent explanatory work.”

A special problem is the lack of awareness of parents. “Many people think that if they don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist and it won’t happen in their family,” Virkus notes. “At the same time, I would like to emphasize that an open conversation about illegal drugs will not push anyone to use them.” (RM)

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