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Smiling stupidly

03/18/2008 If someone has not yet realized that hemp is a complex plant, try to put your diet together and explain this crap. I wanted to know what the word “hemp” means. I stupidly take a book on Altai vocabulary from the shelf. I open it on the first page I come across. Oops. "Hemp". And how to live after this?

In Tatar it’s “kinderash”, in Kyrgyz and Uzbek it’s “our” (that is, weed, of course). The Kyrgyz have “hops”, the Uzbeks have “hashish”. And in Rus', where hemp grows almost without ever growing (climate, blah), according to etymologists, there were no smoky names. Female plants were called materka, and male plants - poskon. They mainly took seeds from the motherland and made oil. Hemp men have strong fibrous butts. They made good fabric. Tailored clothing. And then etymologists decided that ours simply glorified the folk Latin canapis and got “hemp” (TDC - tetrahydrocannabinol - the main narcotic substance of cannabis). By the way, the Tungus-Manchus called hemp “onohto” (fiber, rope). It’s clear why it was mainly needed? And not the way you use it now. But the Tungus are not fools, they knew that it was good to stuff female inflorescences, leaves and young shoots into tubes.

They say this word is not in the Bible. In Egypt, they have not heard of hemp. And Herodotus allegedly did not use it. But it is in Sanskrit and ancient Chinese. Academician Vavilov believed that people had arrived and that hemp could be “cultivated” simultaneously in several centers of Asia. In fact, there is an opinion that its name goes back to the word “to wander.” The weed nestles in nomadic sites where there are heaps of garbage and humus. So now they find it along the route of the “nomadic waves” of humanity. Total use (ate, drank, made clothes, put to sleep, treated, drove away spirits) suggests that this herb was used when flippers were wrapping more delicate plants. In hungry lean years. This confirms the structure of the weed. The stronger the wind, the better - its trunk becomes many times thicker and wider.

Hemp has one awesome feature. Since the drug is light, it allows you to create a long-lasting subculture around yourself. Ja will probably outlive Mescalito. Because his followers do not die. I am surprised by the domestic communities of hemp gardeners. They grow exotic varieties of cannabis right at home. The bushes grow higher than your head. Because no collective farm has ever known such a number of agricultural gadgets. Neither the “Bright Path to Communism” nor the dark one. These agronomists also exchange their experiences online. And these endlessly improving stills, pipes and hookahs? What about Rastafarian tales?

And after cannabis saved humanity from starvation several times... (barely holding back sobs). We easily sell water, from which you won’t get any fairy tales or agricultural miracles. Just vomit and stabbing. But we have free bottling water. And for cannabis they get jail time. Shame on the entire human race. Hook.

Elena Vyazemskaya

I think it's not so easy to get positive emotions here when there are clouds overhead for 9 months, rain and slush, it makes you dream, be happy, even on the most miserable gray days...

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In chapter gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
