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Zhytomyr resident Oleg Zemnukhov - sews clothes from hemp

03/13/2008 Zhitomir student Oleg Zemnukhov is known not only in his city - the shirts, dresses and shoes that he sews from hemp are even worn by famous Ukrainians.

But the dream of the craftsman is nothing less than to dress and shoe everyone in "natural" things. For now, he sews from the fabric that he weaves himself. But you can't do much by hand. Oleg Zemnukhov spins thread from hemp and then sews clothes and shoes from it.

The process of making shoes and clothes from hemp fabric is much longer and more complicated than from leather. But Oleg does not change his idea, and even improved it - he weaves medicinal herbs into shoes. "A month ago I patented insoles made of hemp with wormwood. Due to its antibacterial properties, it turns out to be a good prevention of fungal diseases," says the master. In addition to wormwood, Oleg uses nettle - it dissolves tumors, burdock - heals small wounds, St. John's wort - lifts the mood, echinacea - strengthens the immune system, yarrow - disinfects, lovage and mint - give a subtle, mesmerizing aroma. There was even an amazing incident with the last herb.

"Once a young man confessed that with my hemp-lovage shirt he finally won the favor of his girlfriend. For their wedding with her, the guy then ordered shoes from me. Probably for insurance, to be sure. Just in case, I also don't take off my shirt now," the master smiles. "And my friend even lost weight thanks to her hemp clothes."

— To get the fabric, I first soak the hemp, dry it, then separate the fiber from the stem, — Oleg demonstrates how this can be done quickly, — comb it and weave it. If necessary, I then dye the fabric with oak or nettle decoctions. Since Oleg does everything by hand, his clothes cost from 400 hryvnia, and his shoes — no less than 600.

The master brings hemp for the production of fabric from Poltava and Sumy, where it is grown by private entrepreneurs. "These are industrial varieties of hemp, they do not have narcotic properties," he explains. "Only its Indian subspecies, cannabis, has them to the full extent. However, there is no external difference between industrial hemp and narcotic hemp. To grow industrial hemp, you need a special license. And it is extremely difficult to obtain. In addition, according to the law, the sown lands must be protected - this is expensive. And most importantly, why? It is impossible to explain to legislators that this type of hemp does not need protection. But even if I were given such permission, there is another problem - how to explain to the high lovers that this is not the right weed. They will mow it down!"

— As a rule, I don’t know the names of my customers. But once at the Sorochinskaya Fair, a young Ukrainian director of the famous film “Mamai” Oles Sanin bought boots from me. To tell the truth, I had no idea who my customer was, — Oleg shrugs. — Suddenly, several people ran up to me and shouted: “Do you know who just bought something from you?” I was very pleased, it’s a pity that I didn’t have time to get his autograph.

Among the craftsman’s regular customers are the wife and daughter of Ukrainian science fiction writer Oles Berdnik.

It all started when Oleg began collaborating with a small shoe workshop in Zhitomir. He currently works there as a production technologist. "I personally develop sketches of future models. I do this at a professional level - after all, I will soon graduate from the Kiev University of Technology and Design. My dream is for as many Ukrainians as possible to wear my clothes and shoes. But not because they are mine, but because they are healthy products. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs, have a tonic effect, "hemp" shirts are a kind of deodorant, only much less harmful than synthetic ones. Such clothes never become electrified. In a word, I want us to be healthy," the designer smiles. "But for now I can't sew in large volumes, since I weave fabric on a small loom. Serious capital investments are needed for industrial production."

In the meantime, Oleg travels around the Carpathian villages, looking closely at the work of folk craftsmen in order to improve the great-great-grandfather's methods of making fabric and sewing. And then, maybe, a sponsor will be found.

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