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Star criminals: why celebrities get jail time

11.03.2008 Drugs, alcohol, violence... In recent years, the classic formula of show business has undergone significant changes. It's not that rock and roll and sex are no longer interesting, it's just that they pay more. And for filming in Hollywood movies, too. The extra millions often do no good to show business stars and are spent on drugs, fast cars and... lawyers. The long list of celebrities who have problems with the law shocks any lawyer, and fans can only marvel at the adventures of their favorites.

Is it the environment (in our case, show business) that has such a corrupting effect, or are only people with such qualities capable of achieving success? And perhaps it is success that is to blame for the fact that many celebrities simply “blow their minds.” In any case, some symptoms of star fever turn out to be criminal offenses. Fortunately, among the celebrities there are many who have never sat in the dock. But this is not about them.

The most famous place on the planet is Hollywood. That's where the most violations of the law occur on the part of the heroes of glossy magazines and the big screen. However, drunk driving is not something you'll get a pat on the head with anywhere. But Hollywood laws regarding alcohol are extremely strict. The most high-profile case is the sad story of Paris Hilton. She was detained in September 2006 for drunk driving. Then the court sentenced Paris to a fine and 3 years of probation, and also ordered her to take a course on the dangers of alcohol. It seems that this incident taught the flighty blonde little, because in February 2007 she again seriously violated traffic rules. Paris was driving at night without headlights. According to the police, her car was speeding. For violating probation in May 2007, a California court sentenced the socialite to 45 days in prison. But the harshest punishment was waiting for her ahead. Following this scandalous story, Paris's grandfather, Barron Hilton, deprived her of her multi-million dollar inheritance.

The consequences of drunk driving for Mel Gibson were not so catastrophic. In August 2006, he was sentenced to 3 years probation. The "spice" to this case was added by the fact that the director of the film "The Passion of the Christ" was not only drunk and driving a car with a significant excess of the speed limit - during the arrest he allowed himself a number of extremely harsh anti-Semitic statements. Most likely, this is what the court considered an aggravating circumstance. But it seems that such a harsh sentence did Gibson good: in the last 2 years, the actor has not been detained by the police once.

However, celebrity alcoholics are the lesser of two Hollywood evils. In the lives of celebrities, parties happen almost every day. But at some parties, it doesn't end with tequila. Are you rich and famous? Then the templates of popular culture simply dictate that you indulge in drugs. And drug addicts - even celebrity ones - are not particularly welcome in most countries of the world. Illegal substances have "helped" many writers, musicians and actors to create since time immemorial. However, now celebrities, apparently relying on talented lawyers, have begun to be caught with drugs more and more often. Even Whitney Houston, as I recall, was arrested in 2000 at the Honolulu airport for possession of marijuana. In 2004, actor Macaulay Culkin, star of the film "Home Alone", was also caught smoking "weed". Later, the court sentenced him to one year probation.

But the vast majority of celebrity criminal cases involve drugs harder than marijuana. Mostly cocaine. The recent conviction of actress Lindsay Lohan is indicative. In August 2007, she was sentenced to one day in jail after admitting to drunk driving and possession of cocaine. She was also ordered to do 10 days of community service and a drug rehabilitation course. She will also be under special police supervision for the next three years.

And literally in February of this year, the famous French writer Frederic Beigbeder was caught with cocaine. The police arrested the author of "99 Francs" and his friend while they were snorting powder from the hood of the writer's car. Beigbeder was later released. But now he will be under police surveillance for some time.

But the most high-profile cocaine scandal of recent years took place not in France or even in Hollywood, but in Great Britain. The lawyers of the famous singer Pete Doherty, the leader of the group Babyshambles, deserve a standing ovation. As a result of their virtuoso work, Doherty was able to avoid prison twice in 2006. Both times the singer was accused of cocaine possession, but he got off with just a fine.

However, even before the 2006 arrests, Doherty had already been caught with illegal substances more than once: in addition to cocaine, his "honorary list" also includes heroin, marijuana and crack. And in 2005, he was involved in an unpleasant story with his then girlfriend, model Kate Moss. Then, photos were leaked to the press in which Kate Moss was snorting cocaine in the Babyshambles studio. This scandal almost cost the model her career. However, the wave of condemnation and terminated contracts subsided after Moss made a public apology and underwent treatment for drug addiction. But the resonance that this case produced was much more noticeable than initially thought. Doherty and Moss were featured in the annual report of the UN drug agency. Now, if Doherty is caught with drugs again, he will definitely not get off with a fine. As, incidentally, did the singer Emmy Winehouse, who was also recently arrested for cocaine.

It is obvious that there are no fewer celebrity drug addicts in London than in Hollywood. In October 2006, a traffic jam formed in the northwest of the British capital. The culprit was the famous musician George Michael. He simply fell into a drug-induced stupor while driving. The police officers who arrived at the scene arrested the singer and then released him on bail. Later, the court sentenced George Michael to 100 hours of community service and deprived him of the right to drive a car for 2 years.

2006 was a year rich in harsh sentences and high-profile cases. In October, a Manhattan court sentenced another famous singer and showman, Boy George, to five days of community service and a fine of $1,000 and $160 in court costs. In addition, the singer was ordered to undergo drug treatment. All of this was the result of a paranoid call to the police. Apparently, in a fit of drug panic, Boy George called the police and said that his apartment had been robbed. When law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, they found traces of cocaine in the singer's luxurious apartment and the singer himself was in an insane state.

Boy George is not the only one who has problems with his nervous system due to drug use. Everyone knows the story of Britney Spears, who in just two years turned into an aggressive hysteric. Even before the singer was deprived of her rights as a mother, the court ordered her to undergo weekly drug tests, the reason being the testimony of Britney's former bodyguard. In court, he said that after undergoing treatment at a drug treatment clinic, Spears took illegal substances, appeared naked in the presence of children, and also did not pay due attention to their safety.

But the inadequate, aggressive behavior of stars is not always due to drug use (but who knows). In any case, the investigation did not find any prohibited substances in Naomi Campbell's blood, although the top model has repeatedly figured in drug-related scandals in the past. This time, Campbell distinguished herself by throwing a cell phone at her housekeeper. The maid, Ana Scolavino, filed a lawsuit. As a result, Naomi Campbell was sentenced to 5 days of community service.

Russell Crowe's behavior is very similar to Naomi Campbell's anger. The Oscar winner threw a phone at a New York hotel receptionist, for which he was fined $160.

It is worth mentioning separately the fights between celebrities and paparazzi. Although judges understand that the ubiquitous photographers often get what they deserve, for some celebrities, aggressively fighting back against the annoying paparazzi results in a conviction. Such scandals have affected such stars as Jude Law and even Cameron Diaz.

But they lead in the degree of inappropriate behavior - who would have thought! - boxer Mike Tyson and star of the films "Taxi" Frenchman Sami Naceri. Both have extensive criminal experience behind them. Tyson was caught pickpocketing as a child. Since then, Tyson began to appear in court a little less often than in the ring. In 1992, the boxer received 6 years for rape. But he was released after 3 years for good behavior. Let's not consider it a criminal offense that in 1997 Tyson bit off part of his opponent's ear in the ring. That case was handled not by the court, but by the sports authorities. But the story of 2001 is even more revealing. A boxer has received a year in prison for attacking a motorist during a road accident. True, he served only 3 months and was again released for good behavior.

Well, Tyson's aggression is understandable: that's his profession. And the systematic violence from Sami Naseri can't be explained by anything other than star fever. Naseri received sentences (no more than 10 months) for fights, an attack on a fashion designer, racist remarks about a police officer... He probably got into the image of a tough taxi driver.

However, there are actions that are completely inexplicable. For example, where are the reasons for the daring robbery committed by Winona Ryder? In late 2002, the actress was found guilty of vandalism and grand theft. In December 2001, she stole more than 20 items worth $5,600 from the Saks Fifth Avenue store. The Los Angeles court sentenced Ryder to three years of probation, community service, and a $10,000 fine.

The criminal stories from the world of rappers deserve special attention. Their belonging to the counterculture obliges them to appear in a criminal case at least once. Therefore, there is no point in listing them all - the list will be too long. Let's just say that 50 Cent was a drug dealer, and Snoop Dogg is accused of arms trafficking. Quite honorable articles for real "gangsta rappers". Until recently, the jeweler Jake Arabo, who was well-known in the rap scene, was arrested for money laundering on June 16, 2007, in his store in Manhattan. According to the prosecutors, they managed to prove that Jacob kept double bookkeeping, laundering money from Detroit drug dealers, known as the Black Mafia Family, in parallel with the jewelry business. In the current case, the investigation of which was conducted for about 7 years, another 41 people were arrested: the group was charged with distributing more than 476 kg of cocaine and laundering profits in the amount of 270 million dollars. Arabo now faces about 36 years in prison, an unprecedented sentence for a celebrity of his stature.

As you can see, with a few exceptions, even for serious crimes, celebrities get off with comparatively lenient punishments. They get away with a lot. And the costs of lawyers are kept in the strictest confidence. But this does not mean that celebrity crimes are an example to follow.

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