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Mayor Odaric Admits to Smoking Marijuana

02.03.2008 Cherkasy residents can be proud: our mayor Sergey Odarich is an honest man! He found the strength to admit to an antisocial and illegal act after fifteen years - smoking drugs. Sergey Odarich allowed himself to make such revelations last week, on February 19, during one of the so-called "mayor's reports".

The reasons that prompted Odarich to indulge in romantic memories may, at first glance, be quite prosaic. The meetings held before this, as a rule, did not live up to the hopes of the mayor's team, hoping to turn them into another portion of PR at the expense of taxpayers. In many cases, the audience has already developed immunity to empty promises and outright lies. Perhaps this is what irritated Sergey Olegovich. Probably, having analyzed his previous mistakes, he decided to change tactics and become, so to speak, "one of the guys" for the audience. But he wanted the best, and it turned out, as always. This time, the revelations of the Cherkasy mayor risk turning into an international scandal.

A certain part of those gathered at the meeting were students from one of Cherkasy’s universities, who were brought into the hall in friendly columns and carefully seated in groups. Probably, Sergey Odarich decided to talk to them about topics that, in the opinion of the free democrat and part-time mayor, should be of most interest to the youth audience. For some reason, Odarich considered drug use, namely, marijuana smoking, to be such a topic.

“I met with the mayor of New Jersey in 1992,” Odarich turned to memories of his past. “He flew in, brought a large amount of charitable aid to the Chernobyl victims and managed to bring a little marijuana somewhere in his sock – he wanted to treat me. I took one drag and said – no, that’s enough. After that, it was fun for two days.

Who among us is without sin? — you may say. But, given the position of the city mayor, are such revelations permissible? However, let's leave this on the conscience of Sergei Olegovich, because he probably thinks that he knows PR technologies more than anyone else in Cherkassy. Let's note, however, that Odarich did not take into account several significant points. The aforementioned mayor of New Jersey, given the current legislation of the United States, can easily be brought to criminal responsibility due to the belated confessions of his Cherkassy colleague. And Odarich himself, given such circumstances, may have problems entering the United States next time. American legislation imposes very strict requirements on people who take an oath before taking office. The mayor of New Jersey, taking office, swore on the Bible that he was a law-abiding person, and drug use in the United States is a very serious crime. The American police do not see a difference in who uses or stores drugs - a famous politician or a movie actor. Many Hollywood stars have been held accountable for such offenses. Politicians and their offspring have also gotten themselves into scandals. Public morality clearly condemns the use of any drugs, even the seemingly innocent "grass". Despite attempts to legalize smoking hemp - cannabis or marijuana - in Ukraine and Russia, they have not received support from legislators. In the United States, the government is making desperate efforts to combat the spread of drugs made from hemp, however, according to the US Department of Agriculture, hemp is one of the ten most widely grown plants in America.

Every year, the police in Ukraine report on the destruction of thousands of illegal hemp crops, the detention of tons of narcotic raw materials, but this evil is becoming more and more deeply rooted and is overflowing Ukrainian society. And most importantly, with this in mind, was it ethical for the mayor to make such a confession, even with the good intention of winning the trust of the audience?

If honesty is an act deserving of respect, then drug use is the opposite. At first glance, the harmless one-time use of marijuana could be considered a mistake of Sergei Olegovich's youth, but only if he had confessed and repented of it immediately, and not fifteen years later, after he had become the mayor of Cherkasy and headed the list of the Free Democrats Party.

Meanwhile, the mayor's reports continue. Odarich is becoming increasingly cautious in his choice of expressions and statements. But for some reason, his bravura speeches still do not mention a word about the grandiose plans to privatize Teplokommunenergo and divide Cherkasy land between Odarich's loyal city council members and businessmen. Why should ordinary citizens know anything extra? Why upset them? It is much easier to say what the citizens themselves want to hear. This is the main principle of PR.

Briefly about marijuana

Marijuana is one of the many names for Cannabis Sativa. It is a hemp plant containing a strong psychoactive substance - tetrahydrocannabinol. Its main active element is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or simply THC. The dose of the drug varies depending on the potency of the cannabis, which is a consequence of many factors: place of growth, variety, processing method, etc. The highest concentration of THC is found in plants grown in Central Asia and America. Much weaker is "plan", grown in Ukraine and Europe. A lethal dose for the human body is thousands of times higher than the content of drugs in one or two hand-rolled cigarettes, so it is generally accepted that smoking drugs is relatively safe. However, this is a common misconception.

Drug addicts use specific slang. "Plan", "grass" are marijuana leaves. "Bumps" are the upper part of the plant. "Khimka" is marijuana soaked in formaldehyde and dried. Hashish is made from resin dust, which is secreted by the hemp plant to protect against the sun, heat and to maintain the necessary level of liquid. "Chars" is hashish with the addition of opium.

The main method of use is smoking. Inhaling smoke is the most effective method of absorption. Cannabis is also consumed fried, baked and boiled (milk, tea).

There is one very negative aspect associated with smoking marijuana using "joints": as a rule, one hand-rolled cigarette is smoked by several people, which leads to the spread of infectious diseases transmitted by contact and airborne droplets.

Criminal liability for the use, storage and distribution of marijuana is provided for in almost all civilized countries, with the exception of Holland, whose capital Amsterdam is a kind of Mecca for drug addicts and smokers from all over Europe. In some Asian countries and the states of Central and South America, such as Colombia and Honduras, where smoking marijuana is part of the ethnic culture of indigenous peoples, there is no liability for its use, but under pressure from the world community, the governments of these countries regularly destroy hemp plantations and wage a real war with drug lords.

In Ukraine, possession, use, etc. of marijuana is a criminal offense. Purchasing or storing dried marijuana in quantities from 0.1 g to 500 g, hashish in quantities from 0.1 g to 100 g (which is less than one joint), even without the intent to sell, is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years. The penalty for selling drug raw materials is much more severe.

Doctors say that the harm to human health from smoking marijuana is more significant than from smoking tobacco - one roll-up of marijuana causes the same harm as five regular cigarettes smoked one after another. In addition, the use of cannabis causes irreversible changes in the psyche. Contrary to popular belief, smoking cannabis leads to psychological dependence in the same way as the use of synthetic or injectable drugs. Young people aged 13 to 30 are most susceptible to this social evil. Statistics show that most of those who start smoking weed regularly sooner or later switch to harder drugs. Under the influence of narcotic drugs, people often commit crimes. In addition, the cost of one "ship" - the amount of dried grass for two or three hand-rolled cigarettes in Cherkassy is from 50 to 200 hryvnia, depending on the origin. Teenagers, in order to get money to buy drugs, often commit crimes - robberies and thefts.

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