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"The police, farmers, doctors and pharmacists make money on drug addiction"

31.10.2007 SBU Major General and Vice President of the public organization Parents' Movement Against Immorality Valeriy Kravchenko, 61, believes that only civil society and the church can resist the drug mafia. Is there a drug mafia in Ukraine?

- Yes. But not like in Columbia or Peru. There is shooting, government agencies are confronting this drug mafia. There are real drug wars going on. But here everything is quiet and calm. Because the drug mafia has merged with the government. In essence, there is no one to fight it.

And the police?

- How can the police fight the drug mafia if they feed off it? In the spring, a local drug trafficking network was discovered in Priluki. It involved a dozen drug dealers, who were protected by the police. This was reported to the leadership of the Department for Combating Illegal Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But no one did anything until one of the Christian organizations organized a rally in the city. Parents whose children had died from drugs came out to the square. Then the authorities reacted - some of the drug dealers were arrested. But not for long.

But such a turn of events is rather an exception...

- I speak a lot at various press conferences on the topic of drugs. And I see that all this is ineffective. The drug mafia, together with the authorities, simply mocks people, laughs in their eyes. Like, you do your job, and we do ours. And the police are protecting themselves. And the Ministry of Health feeds itself in its own way. So to speak, no one bothers anyone. But I believe that this will not always be the case.

Is this a purely Ukrainian situation?

- You could say that. In 1987, the Council of Ministers of the USSR passed a law that prohibited poppy cultivation. And the fields where poppies were grown for medical purposes were guarded by internal troops. And so it was until 1999. Until the then Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Oleksandr Tkachenko, lobbied for a law that allowed poppy cultivation in Ukraine. And the SBU was not allowed to control this production. Control was assigned to local commissions, which included a farmer on whose farm poppies were grown, workers of the same farm, and a local policeman.

Currently, 85 percent of drugs in Ukraine are of local origin

And what are the consequences?

- If before 1999 15 percent of drugs were of Ukrainian origin, and 85 percent were imported, then after the adoption of this law the situation changed radically. Now 85 percent of drugs in Ukraine are of local origin. This is the so-called shirka - a poppy-based drug. And the rest - amphetamines, ekstazi, that is, synthetic drugs - this is the 15 percent that comes to us from abroad.

Before the adoption of that law, there were about three thousand hectares of poppy crops in Ukraine. Today, there are already tens of thousands. More than 40 agricultural companies grow poppy. And behind them are representatives of both the executive and legislative branches of power.

But on TV they often show how poppy or hemp crops are being eradicated...

- This is window dressing. In a civilized society, law enforcement agencies do not report how many kilograms of heroin or marijuana they have seized. Because ordinary citizens are not interested in this, but in the level of security in their area, in the country as a whole, and the trends in this. What is the use of information about the seizure of these drugs if our drug market does not get any problems from this? The indicator of the fight against the drug mafia is the price of the drug. If it increases every year, it means that the law enforcement officers are working, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the drug mafia to be on this market.

What's going on with us?

- Nothing. Everyone is making money on this problem as best they can. The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Everyone is happy. They are ready to solve this problem for another hundred years. Because no one has set a specific task to fight the drug mafia. They say - fight... So they fight.

How much do drugs made in Ukraine cost on the domestic black market?

- Before harvesting, it is approximately 40-45 hryvnias for a glass of poppy straw. After harvesting, the price drops by half - to 15-20 hryvnias. But also not for long. And from a glass of straws, you can prepare five doses of shirka.

But not only poppy is used as a drug, but also medical drugs. For example, tramadol.

- Tramadol is a separate topic. Ukraine's needs for this drug amount to almost 4 million capsules per year. But pharmaceutical companies, mainly Stirol at one time, produced 95 million capsules. Isn't it clear where this drug goes? And only when indignant parents began to smash drugstores in Mariupol where tramadol was sold, in 2005 this company curtailed its production. But the drug continues to be produced by factories in Kyiv and Kharkov. And the Ministry of Health knows all about it, but does nothing.

What to do with drug addiction?

- Only people's activity can change the situation. Only civil society is capable of fighting drug addiction and drug mafia. There is no point in relying on the government - it is corrupt.

Yekaterinburg in Russia can be taken as an example. There the drug mafia flourished and felt quite comfortable until the public foundation City without Drugs was created. Portraits of policemen who protected the local drug mafia began to be shown on television.

When it comes to control by society, it also means promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing drug use, and the obligatory participation of the church. Our Orthodox Church hardly deals with these issues. Mostly Protestants, Baptists, and the like.

What should parents pay attention to in order to notice their child’s drug use in a timely manner?

- Usually parents are the last to know about their children's problems. Everyone thinks: this can't happen to me. Yes, a drug addict doesn't smell like vodka. But those who inject drugs always have traces of injections on their hands or feet. It's worth paying attention to the pupils, how the child sleeps, how he eats, whether he sweats. This is described in textbooks on drug addiction and in Christian literature. It is necessary that this be discussed in schools. It is not difficult for a nurse to learn several pages of text and clearly explain this to parents at meetings.

Newspaper in Ukrainian

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